Tips of the week – Page 11 – KobraTech

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When should you use the wide-angle lens and when should you not? Many phones now offer a wide-angle lens on their new models. If you aren’t familiar with wide-angle lenses you may be wondering why it’s there and how to use it, right? Simply put, wide-angle lenses widen the composition and put more scenery into your shot. This is why wide-angle lenses are great for landscape, cityscape, and urban photography.  This being said, wide-angle shots are not recommended for portraits or detailed photos.  This photo was shot with the regular 1X lens. Here is the same shot standing at the...

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Should you shoot black & white photos or edit them to black & white? Do you like black & white photography? We definitely do. What do you feel or think of when you look at a black & white photo? Generally, a black & white photo is more dramatic and evokes more emotions than a color photo. With all the bright colors gone, you are left to look at the shades of gray and contemplate the objects more thoroughly.  But should you shoot in black & white mode on your phone or should you edit the photos into black &...

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Why use the odd number rule? Are you constantly looking for ways to up your photo game? There is a lot to learn in the beginning when we want to improve our photos. There’s a lot to think about before you snap that shutter! Quality, lighting, exposure, and composition (to name a few). Talking about composition. Did you know that esthetically pleasing photos get more positive attention? The human eye is created to automatically find some things more appealing than others.  The way a viewer’s eye smoothly moves across your photo will have a significant impact on how much (or...

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Do you know what the grid tool is used for? Turning on the Grid tool on your camera can be a game changer. Most people hesitate to leave the Grid feature on because they say it interferes with the general look of the camera and that they find it distracting.  Most professional and serious amateur photographers have the Grid tool switched on permanently. You eventually get used to the lines on your camera screen and start using them all the time to compose perfect shots.  How to turn on the Grid feature: Go to your Camera Settings. Switch the Grid...

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Should you use the flash on your phone? The flash tool on most camera phones are not really good quality to use as we do a traditional flash on professional cameras. Using the flash inside to light up a subject often results in harsh shadows that are typically not very flattering. That being said, you can still use the flash to create interesting photos.  If you use the flash outside in bright sunlight it can actually minimize and soften shadows and accentuate your subject. It can also brighten the colors and create a more interesting photo in low light.  Experiment...

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