Want to stay connected with neighbors without actually getting together?
We’re pretty much starting to get used to the insides of our homes as we continue to hunker down. Life will eventually start up again, but probably much more different than before.
Are you missing your get-togethers with friends, neighbors, and family? There are fun ways to keep in touch.
Have you thought of a neighborhood photo project? Most of us confined to our homes do get out for the occasional walk or outing to purchase supplies.
Start a Facebook page and invite your neighbors to join. Have a photo challenge every week and ask your neighbors to post their photos. You guys all live in the same neighborhood and you would be surprised to see how people interpret things differently.
Also, thinking about photo opportunities while going for a walk can keep your creativity open and keep you from thinking about all the bad stuff out there.
Examples of weekly photo challenges.
-Take a photo of something red (or any other color you suggest).
-Take a photo of something that makes you happy.
-Take a photo of an animal.
-Take a photo of something that surprised you.
-Take a photo of your shoes.

Have fun!
P.S. We would love to know if you started a neighborhood photo challenge. Join our Facebook group Shoot Like a Pro With Your Phone and share your photos with the community. Also, by joining you’ll get tons of tips and tricks to improve your phone photography.